It’s difficult making the first phone call, booking an appointment and admitting you need help. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, a mood disorder or trauma, it’s frightening to admit that everything isn’t how you want it to be and you don’t have all the answers. If you’re experiencing sadness, anxiety, mood swings, intrusive thoughts or images, flash backs, numbness or insomnia, there is hope and there is help. David Ettinger will teach you the skills necessary to manage your symptoms, emotions and relationships more effectively.

David is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a 3rd wave cognitive behavioral approach and will teach you mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. He also specializes in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), a leading treatment for PTSD as recognized by the World Health Organization.

The best therapy is two human beings, connecting and reflecting together, in the present moment, to foster an emotionally corrective experience. David is adept at building those experiences with you. He will find a way to help you move forward and looks forward to helping you create positive new connections and experiences outside of the therapeutic setting.

David can be reached by phone at 973-224-0693 or via email at